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The Temple of ALKHMY


Alchemy (noun), (æl-kə-mē)

The Magical, Shamanic Art of Consciously Transmuting a Lower Vibrational Energy/State into a Higher Vibrational Energy/State in a

Subtle, Mysterious and Profound Way.

The sublime arts of energetic medicine are administered deftly and intuitively,

after more than 20 years of embodied practice, responding to the

subtle whispers of the energy field's requests and promptings.

Ritual, beauty and sacred intention infuse the setting and all who enter.

Fire Performance
Todd W. Stewart
Sol Savitur

Walking with a foot in each world; the Mundance and the Mystical. 

In the Medicine Room is where they meet.

This is a profoundly spiritual and shamanic life... Journey into

the depths of Shadow and Soul and also outwards into

the realms of Light as far as can be managed... 

...Sometimes further... Life leading the way home.



I found my way into this human experience around 45 years ago, in Whanganui, and started exploring energetic medicines and the esoteric realms in my late teens, dissatisfied with life as it seemed to be, and intrigued by the unfathomable...  the <seemingly> imperceivable.

On one hand I live a simple human life, being a husband and a father of five, aged from 15 to 23, and on the other hand I live a profoundly spiritual and shamanic life, spending my days emphasising a tranquil meditative state and enquiry into the space where the worlds overlap, using breathwork, qigong, chant, prayer and invocation to induce non-ordinary states of consciousness, deepening the potential of the medicine work I offer.

... and then the kids return from school, and the supermarket beckons, and I go play squash, and dinner is eaten...


Along the journey I have been taught many beautiful and potent ways of Being with the suffering inherent in the human condition, how to touch it and sculpt it gently, with care and respect, and how to share this with people so that there can be more peace, harmony and beauty alive in us all, in the world and in the cosmos.


My medicine is sacred, shamanic and artistic.  It is gentle and powerful, supporting profound transformation.  It is unique, both to me and for you.  I’m deeply devoted to my medicine journey, and to sharing what I have received, to be of service to my brothers and sisters.


My speciality is in being with, navigating and harmonising/resolving the discomforts of anger, anxiety, depression, fear, grief, guilt, shame, and especially spiritual and existential troubles.

This is often called Shadow Work, or Integration, or Awakening.  Transforming suffering into wellbeing.

More than this, however, is holding medicine sessions ceremonially, where we open and deepen into connection with the supernatural and sacred states, and exploring practices of how to do this more consciously in our everyday lives.

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